About Us
“What is important is not what we do but who we do it for.”
Lala Lovera – Executive Director
Contribute to closing inequality gaps in the migrant and host population, strengthening protective environments of educational institutions, through the “Quédate en la escuela” model.
To be an organization recognized nationally and internationally for contributing to the closing of inequality gaps and the social cohesion of the migrant and host population through the strengthening of protective environments.

The values we share:
empathy, honesty, fairness, excellence.
We are able to relate to the situations and contexts of our beneficiaries in order to understand their needs.
Our actions generate trust with the different stakeholders (donors, beneficiaries and allies), and all our actions are framed within the principles of transparency and accountability.
Our actions are based on fairness and equality, we act under the principle of non-discrimination.
It is a value that allows us to highlight the considerable quality that makes an individual or object worthy of high esteem and appreciation. The notion of excellence is related to the idea of perfection and outstanding characteristics.
Our Team

Lala Lovera

Edith Silva

Isabella Mibelli

Catalina Bravo

Daniella Barbosa

Alexandra Salazar

Camila Márquez

Arley Brayan Beltrán

David Bautista

Vladimir Cañas

Yebrail Vergel

Tatiana Vergel
Our Board of Directors
We work hand in hand with our directors.
Commitment, experience, responsibility.

Victoria Arciniegas

Alicia Lozano

Maite Mijares

Adriana Rachadell Montero

Gustavo E. Morales

José Pulido

Vicente Quezada

Jorge Fonseca